Il Nostro Blog

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La carne rossa fa davvero male?

Is red meat really bad for you?

One of the most discussed foods of recent years , whether due to the ethical and environmental implications of intensive farming, or the health effects linked to its consumption, It's red meat .
Conosci le carni più pregiate del mondo? (2° parte)

Do you know the most valuable meats in the world? (2nd part)

Our magical journey around the world continues, in search of the finest and tastiest meats on the planet.
Tagliata cuore di reale, Simmental bavarese.

Cut heart of royal, Bavarian Simmental.

A particular cut of beef, recommended for stews, but are we sure that it is necessarily so? The real is a part obtained from the muscles that cover the first dorsal vertebrae. It is quite lean and requires a long...
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