Sashi Freygaard Choco

"Sashi" does not in itself indicate the origin or breed of the meat. Its original meaning in Japanese is "marbling", a term that refers to the distribution of fat within the meat. Sashi identifies a line of meat selected by the jn meat company that raises cows and heifers of the predominantly Finish Ayrshire or Friesian breed, characterized by a good level of connective tissue and intramuscular fat, distributed uniformly. SASHI is often referred to as the European Wagyu, with reference to the highly prized Japanese Kobe. Sashi is categorized and classified according to the KOBE scale or MBS scale as follows: SASHI GOLD (KOBE SCALE 1-2-3-4) SASHI DIAMOND (KOBE SCALE 5-6) SASHI AAA (KOBE SCALE 7-8-9-10) SASHI SAIKO (KOBE SCALE 11-12) SASHI of Finnish origin is identified with the brands Freygaard and Freygaard choco These are geolocated in the Nordic countries (Born-Breed) Located on the Baltic Sea, the Finnish territory is characterized by mountains, glaciers, and a very high number of lakes, but it also offers a large availability of flat areas, with large pastures. This allows cattle to be raised outdoors during the spring and summer months, leaving them free to graze, and therefore to feed almost exclusively on grass, integrated with rations of corn. During the five-six winter months, the animals are kept in the stable, fed primarily on hay. It is precisely to defend themselves from the rigid temperatures that are recorded during the winter, that Finnish cattle develop a greater quantity of intramuscular fat, the characteristic that gives this type of meat the tenderness and tastiness for which it is appreciated. Considered one of the best meats in the world, it has the right balance between tenderness, softness, flavor and savouriness.
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€0,00 - €60,00
2 prodotti

Sashi Choco Rib Eye

  • 0.7 KG

Fiorentina/T-Bone Sashi Choco

  • 1 KG

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