
The particular cut from which Tomahawk meat is obtained has earned it the name of " brontosaurus steak " which could not be more appropriate. The Tomahawk steak is characterized by the presence of the entire rib bone of the bovine. Tomahawk meat is obtained from the front part of the sirloin of the beef, precisely between the first and the fifth dorsal vertebra of the animal, approximately the same part from which the ribs are obtained. The Tomahawk is not only spectacular for its aesthetic features. In fact it has unique organoleptic properties. It is a very valuable cut: the mix of very thin fibers and the homogeneous diffusion of fat make this meat soft and juicy, all enriched by a characteristic flavor and excellent digestibility. Even the nutritional properties of the Tomahawk make it a must in the grills of meat lovers. As already mentioned, it is a highly digestible meat, despite its size in fact, the fat melts in very short cooking times. Added to this are noble proteins, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for the body.
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€0,00 - €126,00
5 prodotti

Tomahawk Yoshi Mazury

  • 1.2 KG
  • 1.4 KG
  • 1.7 KG

Tomahawk Yoshi Bavarian

  • 1.3 KG
  • 1.5 KG
  • 1.6 KG

Tomahawk Simmental Bavarian

  • 1.4 KG
  • 1.6 KG

Tomahawk AACO

  • 1.3 KG
  • 1.4 KG

Tomahawk Kimi

  • 1.4 KG
  • 1.6 KG
  • 1.8 KG

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