Her Majesty, The Fiorentina Correct technique for grilling

In the infinite panorama of cooking methods that can be done with the barbecue, the classic steak is still the one that unites us all. It is a dish that is still very much tied to the quality of the raw material, which therefore allows you to make a good impression and gain points compared to our standard cooking methods even just by deciding to invest a little more. It is a preparation that everyone has already tried at least once in their life and can be eaten practically raw, without this being considered a mistake by most. So just don't venture into strange timing: a seared and off you go, and no one can say anything.
The Florentine steak is a portion of the sirloin of beef with the bone, which gives the cut of meat the typical T shape. Generally it means the one cut in the fillet. Before going into our technical cooking tips, however, it is necessary to make two clarifications:
- The “Bistecca alla Fiorentina” is a regional (and national) dish that Tuscans are rightly proud of, but it is also the name of an anatomical cut of beef that is its main ingredient. In this article we are not talking about how to make the “Bistecca alla Fiorentina” but we are limiting ourselves to advising how to manage the grilling of a Florentine steak.
There are many integrative techniques that can help with the cooking of Fiorentina, but they are not the subject of this article. Here we want to talk only about heat and temperature management, in a transversal way to them.
So, here we talk exclusively about technique, without any direct reference to recipes or regional interpretations.
Now we can really get started! Here are our 5 practical tips for grilling meat and getting a perfect steak .
1. The temperature of the meat before cooking
Pay close attention to the temperature of the meat before placing it on the coals. For optimal results, it is important to remove the meat from the refrigerator a few hours beforehand so that it can reach room temperature before cooking.
2. Do not pierce the meat
Nothing could be more wrong! Prickling the surface of the steak causes all of its juices to escape : this means depriving the meat of its flavour , its softness and its consistency .
3. Cooking times
The time in which to cook a steak is certainly one of the most problematic aspects related to grilling meat. In fact, beyond the cooking preferences, the meat should never be served either raw or overcooked and understanding well when to remove the steak from the grill is a complex matter.
For thick steaks such as a Florentine steak weighing at least 1 kg , it is useful to start cooking standing on the bone for 10-15 minutes , always depending on the thickness of the cut of meat. The steak should then be laid out on its sides to finish cooking: 4-5 minutes per side should be sufficient.
4. Salt: before or after cooking?
Neither of these methods can be considered wrong in principle – and our advice is to test them both and choose the one that best satisfies your palate.
However, we must point out that salt can be added before cooking only if the latter is not exceeds 30 minutes : after this time, in fact, the salt tends to absorb the juices of the muscle fibres, making the steak dry and tough.
5. Correct distance between the grill and the embers
The last piece of advice we want to give you in this article concerns the distance that should be between the grill and the embers. In fact, if on the one hand it is important that the steak is not too close to the embers to avoid it getting charred, on the other hand it cannot be too close either. away otherwise the advantages of grilling will be lost, such as the formation of the external crust that makes the meat very tasty. So, position your grill about 8-12 cm from the embers and you will get lively cooking without risking charring the steak.
All you have to do is put into practice what you have learned.
Have fun and happy barbecue!